Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?

Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?

Unexpectedly, I had to have my second hip replaced in December. But even with pre-surgery pain and post-surgery pain, some writing and progress with books being published has been happening! Truckin’, my next picture book, is due out in September. The...
A New Book, Very Close to Home

A New Book, Very Close to Home

I hope that 2024 has started well for you and continues along the same. I had hip surgery in October and during my recovery, wrote a lot. But then came the holidays with a side order of life and the writing slid off the to-do list. I’m just getting back to it...
’Tis the Season!

’Tis the Season!

My new picture book about Christmas is out, so it kind of has to be the season, for me. It’s called The Best Christmas Ever, and will also be published in French as Le meilleur des noëls.  It’s the story of twins Toby and Ella. It’s almost Christmas, and they are...
Spring’s Gifts

Spring’s Gifts

Spring so far has been lots of rain, some time in the desert, some writing, and now… a new baby in the family! The rain, we all know about. The desert was an amazing time spent checking out the gorgeous canyons of Utah and Arizona. Here’s a photo in Antelope Canyon,...
A New Writing Experience

A New Writing Experience

I’m working on a sequel to the middle-grade novel that will be published in September. This is afirst for me; I’ve never written a sequel before.It’s really fun in some ways, because I like the world and characters I’ve created and am happyto return for another round...