A New Writing Experience

A New Writing Experience

I’m working on a sequel to the middle-grade novel that will be published in September. This is afirst for me; I’ve never written a sequel before.It’s really fun in some ways, because I like the world and characters I’ve created and am happyto return for another round...
Putting Pen to Paper

Putting Pen to Paper

I’m well into the holiday season, having eaten many Christmas lunches, enjoyed many decorative light displays and procrastinated on buying many gifts. Working on the last one! I especially need to enjoy all the revelry, as I will be setting some new habits in...
Truckin’ Along

Truckin’ Along

That old saying “When it rains, it pours”? Well, there’s a mini rainstorm going on over my head, very happily. After signing a contract for my middle-grade novel, I’ve also sold a picture book manuscript. This is a story about a family member who did long-haul...
Publishing Update

Publishing Update

Great news! A couple years ago, I decided to write a middle grade novel focusing on an angel, a fairy, amermaid and a witch. As a kid, I loved so many different kinds of books, but one was definitelystories about the supernatural, and especially, these four beings. I...
Writer’s Groups and Regrouping

Writer’s Groups and Regrouping

Where does the time go? Last time I wrote, I was musing on January resolutions. Now suddenly,it’s the other new year…school start-up.Having been a teacher for 37 years, the September new year seemed more of a real restartthan January. The end of that long and glorious...