Spring so far has been lots of rain, some time in the desert, some writing, and now… a new baby in the family!
The rain, we all know about.
The desert was an amazing time spent checking out the gorgeous canyons of Utah and Arizona. Here’s a photo in Antelope Canyon, where a Navajo tour guide took us deep into the canyon to admire the sandstone and tell us his people’s history there. (The desert was also a very nice break from the… you guessed it… rain!)

The writing is coming along. I’m feeling a need to get a “Do Not Disturb” sign and hang it not on any doorknob, but about half a metre in front of my eyes as a constant reminder to a)put more time aside for writing and b)stay focussed during that time. It’s amazing what little bits of flotsam and jetsam will come by to take me away from getting words on the page. Like basically anything, from my cat needing her belly scratched to my fourth cup of tea to a ping on my phone.
And the new baby… my nephew and his partner brought their baby into the world today, and all seems a little brighter to me for this wonderful addition. I am so pleased to be a great aunt, and will probably find it even harder to concentrate as I admire this little lad’s photos.
Happy Spring, and here’s to new life, in all its forms!