A New Writing Experience

I’m working on a sequel to the middle-grade novel that will be published in September. This is a
first for me; I’ve never written a sequel before.

It’s really fun in some ways, because I like the world and characters I’ve created and am happy
to return for another round with them. In fact, if all goes as planned, I’ll be returning for a total
of three more rounds. There are four main characters in the novel, and each will be featured in
a book, although it’s told from all four characters’ points of view.

For me, the tricky part is deciding how much needs to be reviewed from the first book in this
second one. I guess the big question is: do I assume that readers have read the first book or
assume that they haven’t? (Of course, that begs the question: Why on earth didn’t they read
the first book?? What were they thinking?!) I’ve got a feeling that it’s somewhere in between,
and that’s why it’s tricky. Trying to make the story work for someone who hasn’t read the first
book, but not giving too much (tedious) detail for those who have.

It’s also the first time I’ve ever written a story or novel that was inspired by anything other than
exactly what I felt like writing at that time. So, even as I am enjoying this process a lot, I’m also
aware that there’s no putting this one aside if I get stuck; this is definitely the project of the

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