Putting Pen to Paper

I’m well into the holiday season, having eaten many Christmas lunches, enjoyed many decorative light displays and procrastinated on buying many gifts. Working on the last one!

I especially need to enjoy all the revelry, as I will be setting some new habits in January. I’ve been writing in fits and spurts lately, mostly writing picture books… obviously less time involved than for a novel. But there’s a sequel in me to the novel I sold this fall, so I need to seriously close the door on other pursuits some days, and put that pen to paper. Or fingers to keyboard. It will be interesting to see how that feels, having more solitary time to write. I’m thinking that after a week or two, my writing space will take on the look of this room. Hopefully my mind will stay a little cleaner and clearer than that.

In the meantime, I wish everyone a peaceful and relaxing holiday, however that looks for you!

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