Where does the time go? Last time I wrote, I was musing on January resolutions. Now suddenly,
it’s the other new year…school start-up.
Having been a teacher for 37 years, the September new year seemed more of a real restart
than January. The end of that long and glorious summer holiday, back to getting up
early….yikes! I’m glad I’m retired.
But I still feel that “going back to school” pull each September, and make plans to fall back into
more of a routine. Maybe I just like having two chances to reset every year. Correction: maybe I
NEED two (at least two?) chances to reset every year.
So looking back on January 2022, I was resolved to spend more time writing. I have done that,
but could still do better. One big writing change for me has been that I was invited to join a
writers’ group with three of the loveliest writers/friends/critiquers you could ever imagine. It
has kickstarted my writing habit a little because I want to have something worth showing them
at our monthly meetings.
I don’t know why it took me this long to understand the merits of a writing group. We each
bring a piece of something we’re working on. Sometimes it’s a whole picture book manuscript,
sometimes it’s a chapter of a longer manuscript. We read our writing aloud, having provided
the others with copies so they can make notes. We also discuss what’s been read aloud and
give positive feedback and suggestions for possible changes. The collective writer’s brain is
much stronger than my own single one, plus it’s easy to get so inside what you’re writing that
you don’t see omissions, inconsistencies or just plain bad writing.
My Christmas picture book won’t be published for this Christmas, so you’ll have to buy
something else for your littl’uns this year, but make sure to have it on your list for Christmas
2023! (because I know you make gift lists for 16 months into the future…)
Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?
Unexpectedly, I had to have my second hip replaced in December. But even with pre-surgery pain and post-surgery pain, some writing and progress with...